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Dental Staffing in Phoenix.

Staff your practice with dental pros who share your vision.

Find reliable, qualified dental professionals to fill your shifts. Get instant access to our network of vetted dental assistants, hygienists, and receptionists to maintain full productivity in your practice.

Over 24,000 vetted dental pros have joined the Toothio network


$30 - $90 / hour

67 / hour avg.


$21 - $43 / hour

29 / hour avg.


$18 - $35 / hour

26 / hour avg.

Tatiana Levin

Tatiana Levin

Dental Hygienist

10 years



3 certifications

Ashlynn Carder

Ashlynn Carder

Dental Assistant

3 years



4 certifications

Kylee Herring

Kylee Herring

Dental Receptionist

7 years



2 certifications

Why choose Toothio?

Never lose a day of production, no hiring fees, no W2 overhead, and no more administrative burden.

Robust Rating & Matching Algorithm

Ensuring your practice gets the perfect temporary staff, every time.

Same-day Shift Fills

Quick, temporary staffing solutions to fill immediate needs.

Administrative & Compliance Covered

We handle tax liability, payments, and insurance so you can fill dental jobs hassle-free.

No Hiring Fees

Transparent pricing with no hidden fees, unlike traditional dental staffing agencies.

1-1 Vetted Professionals

Every professional, including receptionists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants, is personally vetted.

Professional Bench Building

Ensure continuity in your office by building bench of highly skilled, and scalable team that understands and compliments your offices culture.

What our dental professionals and practices are saying

Quote Mark

Toothio fixed everything we dislike about the current options in the market. Anytime I need a temporary employee I rely on Toothio exclusively, especially if it’s short notice

Dr. Tim LovingOwner Loving Family Dental

Practice FAQs

How do we get started?
The first step is to create a free profile as a practice. Once you create a practice profile, you will be able to post a shift for a specific day. When you post a shift, you tell us what experience and certifications you're looking for. You also set the rate that you'd like to pay. After you post a shift, our AI-driven algorithm matches you with a highly-rated dental professional that meets your requirements.
Are you a temp agency?
We are a full-service staffing tool (Temp and Perm) that handles everything that goes into staffing your practice. We take all of the administrative tasks off your plate so you have more time to focus on your patients and your day-to-day tasks.
How are you different from other staffing companies?
Toothio gives you the ability to set your own rates, ensuring flexible pricing for every client. Unlike other services, there's no need for a subscription; you pay as you go. We handle all the administrative details, from vetting professionals to managing payments and scheduling, coupled with liability insurance for every professional on our platform. What truly sets us apart is our commitment to quality: we personally vet all professionals, accepting only about 60% to guarantee you access to a select pool of highly qualified dental professionals. Plus, if you find a pro you love, you can hire from our platform.

Fill your empty shifts today!

Discover how Toothio can help you take control of your dental workforce and streamline your dental talent solutions.

Toothio Staffing